Full Auto AI Background for SEO

The best employee you’ll ever have.

Take your SEO, CMS, Marketing & Business efforts to the next level with the subscription based employee

High experience results at low cost No turnover Pause and resume at anytime Average 24-48 hours to complete a task Money back guarantee

A website, portal and business optimization agency with a twist. 

and It’s super easy. 

Subcription based

Keep the requests coming or pause at any time.  It’s a 30 day block cycle so if you need to wait a week, just pause until you are ready.

Make it happen

Planning is good but action is better.  Get things moving at an affordable price and see progress everyday.


In house tools built to help us develop CMS and SEO solutions.  Training and building AI models is the technology of now, that should be the focus of any business owner.

Full Auto AI Background for CMS

How does it works?

Full Auto AI replaces unreliable freelancers, employees and expensive agencies for one flat monthly fee, with results being delivered so fast that it will blow your mind.

Easier than expected, everything just works, just knocks it out one task at a time.

Adam Zafiroff, 🦈 Freeman Boatworks

Totally Async

Don’t like meetings? We don’t either; so much so that we’ve tried to outlawed them completely.

Manage with Trello

Manage your design board using Trello. View active, queued and completed tasks with ease.

Invite unlimited team members

Invite your entire team, so anyone can submit requests and track their progress.

Full Auto AI Background for user to read more

How to get started?

First, let’s figure out if it’s a good fit, and if we can help, schedule a call.  Once you have a solid idea of what is required, we’ll collect detailed info, get everything set up on our end, and then you can start requesting work items within 24 hours.  Just like everything we do, quick and easy.


One request at a time. Pause or cancel anytime.


pause or cancel anytime


Double the requests. Pause or cancel anytime


pause or cancel anytime

Monthly Automatics

Reports:  Keyword Optimization & Suggestion Report, Site Audit of issues that will affect SEO like broken links, dead-end pages or posts, slow load speeds, poorly formatted html, site traffic analytics, Chatbots’ performance & interactions, Automated Process Reports.

5 hours of meeting time a month. To put that into perspective, two straight weeks of 30-minute meetings scheduled every day is 5 hours of meeting time.

Average 24/48 hour delivery

Request as many items as you like!

SEO, Content & Marketing
  • Unlimited Theme and page optimizations for SEO
  • Keyword Research & Suggestion
  • Site & Content (re)structure
  • SEO results targeted for local business
  • Analytics integration and reports
CMS Services
  • Unlimited page modifications/additions
  • Unlimited custom code blocks
  • Start from scratch web design & delivery
  • Unlimited feature creation
  • Standardize theme across all pages to ensure branding excellence.
  • Creation of development/staging environments for your CMS

Supported CMS: WordPress, Joomla, HubSpot CMS Hub, WooCommerce, Drupal, Squarespace, Magnolia, Weebly, Wix

Business Operation Automation
  • Unlimited Chatbot creation
  • Unlimited custom-trained AI models to support your needs
  • Implementation & Monitoring of automated repetitive tasks using AI
Full Auto AI Background for marketing
Full Auto AI Background for more information about getting the best employee ever.


Full Auto AI Background for how you find the best employee.




AI Automation?

It’s all about having a holistic digital strategy. Using all these technologies to maximins capabilities enables a complete digital strategy across marketing, content, customer engagement and operations. They complement each other.

Competitive advantage

A strong digital presence, automation and excellent customer service improves brand reputation and positions the company as an innovation leader in its industry.

Enhanced customer experience

SEO drives traffic, CMS delivers content, chatbots provide instant support, and AI adds personalization. Together they create a seamless customer experience.

Operational efficiency

Automating processes with AI and chatbots allows human employees to focus on high-value tasks. This boosts productivity.

Unified data

CMS, chatbot and automation data will feed into a unified dataset to gain insights and improve decision making across the organization


These technologies are the digital backbone to enable agility in responding to future business and customer demands.

Cost reduction

Automation and chatbots can significantly reduce human resource requirements for many tasks and lower costs.
Full Auto AI Background for benefits to starting a subscription.

Membership Benefits

Perks so good you’ll never need to go anywhere else, Seriously.

Work Board

Add as many requests to your board as you’d like, they’ll be achieved on a daily bases.

Unique & All Yours

Each piece of content, code, or trained AI model is made especially for you and is 100% yours.


Get your task done fast one at a time, results immediately.

Fixed Monthly Rate

No surprises here!  Pay the same fixed price each month.

Experience & Quality

Insane ability to create results!  Work with a marathon runner who is never tiring but knows when to pick up the pace.

Flexible and Scalable

Scale up or down as needed, and pause or cancel at any time.

Omnichannel presence & build for success

Delivering consistent messaging and experience across all channels – website, mobile, social media.

Remove mundane task from your work force.


  • Keyword research
  • On-page optimization 
  • Content structure strategy
  • Technical SEO audit
  • Content creation
  • Link building
  • Local SEO
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Fix technical errors
  • Site migrations 


  • CMS installation & configuration
  • Workflow design
  • User roles & permissions
  • Testing & Dev environments
  • Integrations & migrations
  • Training
  • Support & maintenance
  • Custom development
  • Hosting & infrastructure


  • Chatbot development
  • Conversation design
  • NLP integration
  • Chatbot training
  • Chatbot testing
  • Chatbot hosting
  • Integration & deployment
  • Chatbot analytics
  • Chatbot maintenance
  • Industry-specific chatbots
  • Multilingual chatbots

AI Automation

  • Process automation
  • Voice assistants
  • Marketing automation
  • Social Media automation
  • Recommendation engines
  • Predictive analytics
  • Training models for new employees
  • Image recognition
  • Natural language processing
  • Fraud detection
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Text generation
  • Speech to text
  • Anomaly detection
Full Auto AI Background for checking all the boxe.


Good question! For starters, the annual cost of a full-time mid-level developer now exceeds $120,000, plus benefits (and good luck finding one available). Aside from that, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy at all times, so you’re stuck paying for time you aren’t able to utilize.

With the monthly plan, you can pause and resume your subscription as often as you need to ensure you’re only paying your designer when you have work available for them.

We understand you may not have enough work to fill up entire month. Perhaps you only have one or two requests at the moment. That’s where pausing your subscription comes in handy.

Billing cycles are based on 31 day period. Let’s say you sign up and use the service for 21 days, and then decide to pause your subscription. This means that the billing cycle will be paused and you’ll have 10 days of service remaining to be used anytime in the future.

Once subscribed, you’re able to add as many requests to your queue as you’d like, and they will be delivered one by one.

First is understanding where we are starting from, then look to where we can go.

We keep around 5 different domains just for testing SEO. HTML structure, content creation, meta data, load times, just about every matrix there is. These testing sites are frequently scrapped, then started over with a new domain. You have to poke the algorithm and see how it response.

Short story – We don’t do our testing on your site, only use solutions that have been working for us.

It’s more about who and what created the content. We do use AI tools to create content and content ideas. 100% AI generated content has shown to fail in SEO so we always add our own special touches on everything.

Every piece of content we write has detailed info on tools used plus the original author. We want to be able to track our efforts and achieve that SEO magic.

On average, most requests are completed in just one or two days. However, more complex requests can take longer.

We can help you break down blocks into more manageable tasks e.g. “chatbot for helpdesk”, “increase natural traffic”, “automate customer service”

You might be surprised to hear this, but FAA (Full Auto AI) is an agency of a few. This means you’ll work directly with me, founder of FAA. However, power-ups requests such as illustrations/UI designs or full marketing campaigns, maybe helped by partners that specialize in the targeted result.

The first step is understanding your business and identifying repetitive tasks.  Finding out what is important, emails, actions, and responses, creating new documents based on an AI model.  It really is a new world where you can have a lot of work done for you.  It most cases, you don’t even need to review, only take action on the results.

Then there is what you want, sales funnels, custom auto emails from CRMs, auto create contracts, the sky really is the limit. We really do have amazingly capable tools available.

We make custom chatbots, meaning we create a new model of learning on open-source platforms OR work with your current third-party platform and see how good it can get.  Put ours to the test and let me know what you think.

Chatbots can be used for many things, including training new employees, replacing knowledge bases for basic technical support, helping potential customers with basic questions, create new sales funnels.  Basically, if there is written knowledge a chatbot can be trained and become a teacher, sales representative, or technical support. There are so many possibilities it’s hard to list them all.

Mainly…because we don’t need one.  It’s clear what we do and offer.

We do have an internal knowledge bot that is trained using our blog, information from the internet, and our operational documentation.   There are a few different versions but try not to mess with the production version all that much.  Book a call for a demo. 

So, what are you waiting for, have some questions?